Crystal Minds

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Sub Category: Doctors

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Crystal Minds Calcutta West Bengal

Address: 26, Mahanirvan Road, Kolkata - 700029, Calcutta West Bengal

Phone: +919903302621


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Title : Crystal Minds

Crystal Minds was founded by Dr. Rima Mukherji 25 years ago with the desire to bring a positive change by providing awareness, promoting wellness and encouraging a holistic approach in the field of mental health. The services provided by the clinic are wide-ranging including Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Special Education, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Career Counselling, Workshop and Training Programmes, Academic Courses and Meditation. Crystal: Where it all Began Crystal Minds, formerly known as Crystal Clinic, was the brainchild of a renowned psychiatrist who wished to address the psychological needs of the community. Founded in 1997, the clinic nestles in a quiet premier location in South Kolkata near Gariahat. Although it started out with the psychiatrist and Founder who was shortly joined by a clinical psychologist, in about a year’s time its base expanded largely as doctors from various specialities such as Gastroenterology, Orthopaedics, Pulmonology, Ophthalmology and General Surgery set up practice at the clinic to provide their services to people residing in the city. These specialists belonged to Westbank Hospital in Howrah, a hospital set up by a core group of doctors who had qualified in the UK and are currently part of the Narayana group of hospitals.

Who We Are

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Crystal Minds was founded by Dr. Rima Mukherji 25 years ago with the desire to bring a positive change by providing awareness, promoting wellness and encouraging a holistic approach in the field of mental health. The services provided by the clinic are wide-ranging including Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Special Education, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Career Counselling, Workshop and Training Programmes, Academic Courses and Meditation. Crystal: Where it all Began Crystal Minds, formerly known as Crystal Clinic, was the brainchild of a renowned psychiatrist who wished to address the psychological needs of the community. Founded in 1997, the clinic nestles in a quiet premier location in South Kolkata near Gariahat. Although it started out with the psychiatrist and Founder who was shortly joined by a clinical psychologist, in about a year’s time its base expanded largely as doctors from various specialities such as Gastroenterology, Orthopaedics, Pulmonology, Ophthalmology and General Surgery set up practice at the clinic to provide their services to people residing in the city. These specialists belonged to Westbank Hospital in Howrah, a hospital set up by a core group of doctors who had qualified in the UK and are currently part of the Narayana group of hospitals.


Crystal Minds was founded by Dr. Rima Mukherji 25 years ago with the desire to bring a positive change by providing awareness, promoting wellness and encouraging a holistic approach in the field of mental health. The services provided by the clinic are wide-ranging including Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Special Education, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Career Counselling, Workshop and Training Programmes, Academic Courses and Meditation. Crystal: Where it all Began Crystal Minds, formerly known as Crystal Clinic, was the brainchild of a renowned psychiatrist who wished to address the psychological needs of the community. Founded in 1997, the clinic nestles in a quiet premier location in South Kolkata near Gariahat. Although it started out with the psychiatrist and Founder who was shortly joined by a clinical psychologist, in about a year’s time its base expanded largely as doctors from various specialities such as Gastroenterology, Orthopaedics, Pulmonology, Ophthalmology and General Surgery set up practice at the clinic to provide their services to people residing in the city. These specialists belonged to Westbank Hospital in Howrah, a hospital set up by a core group of doctors who had qualified in the UK and are currently part of the Narayana group of hospitals.

Address: 26, Mahanirvan Road, Kolkata - 700029

Address:Calcutta, West Bengal

Phone: +919903302621


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