Physiotherapist in Mansarovar, Jaipur Jaipur Rajasthan

Address: Shop No. 4, Patrakar Colony Rd, opposite Anand Mahal Marriage Garden, Jaipur Rajasthan

Phone: 09649784338

Email: jaipurrehab.com@gmail.com

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Title : Physiotherapist in Mansarovar, Jaipur

In today's fast world, fast recovery is a necessity & our superlative skills in Manual therapy, Neurological approaches etc become our virtue. We provide the best Orthopedics, Sports Neurological, Cardio-logical, Respiratory, Geriatric, Pediatric & Critical Care Physiotherapy services in Jaipur. We also provide home physiotherapy services. Services related to supporting aids are also being facilitated. Special services for ICU Physiotherapy across Jaipur. It is a one-stop solution for Sports Injury Rehab. Post Operative Physiotherapy is another landmark service. From time to time Consultations concerning Medical specialist is our golden service. Our team is reliable, experienced, knowledgeable & skilful.

Who We Are

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In today's fast world, fast recovery is a necessity & our superlative skills in Manual therapy, Neurological approaches etc become our virtue. We provide the best Orthopedics, Sports Neurological, Cardio-logical, Respiratory, Geriatric, Pediatric & Critical Care Physiotherapy services in Jaipur. We also provide home physiotherapy services. Services related to supporting aids are also being facilitated. Special services for ICU Physiotherapy across Jaipur. It is a one-stop solution for Sports Injury Rehab. Post Operative Physiotherapy is another landmark service. From time to time Consultations concerning Medical specialist is our golden service. Our team is reliable, experienced, knowledgeable & skilful.


In today's fast world, fast recovery is a necessity & our superlative skills in Manual therapy, Neurological approaches etc become our virtue. We provide the best Orthopedics, Sports Neurological, Cardio-logical, Respiratory, Geriatric, Pediatric & Critical Care Physiotherapy services in Jaipur. We also provide home physiotherapy services. Services related to supporting aids are also being facilitated. Special services for ICU Physiotherapy across Jaipur. It is a one-stop solution for Sports Injury Rehab. Post Operative Physiotherapy is another landmark service. From time to time Consultations concerning Medical specialist is our golden service. Our team is reliable, experienced, knowledgeable & skilful.

Address: Shop No. 4, Patrakar Colony Rd, opposite Anand Mahal Marriage Garden

Address:Jaipur, Rajasthan

Phone: 09649784338

Email: jaipurrehab.com@gmail.com

View Website: https://jaipurrehab.com/
