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Review : Wild Gun Man

Wild Gun Man is a security Guards agency that provides the following services in India. Bouncers, bodyguards, security services, and car drivers. The Wild gunman can provide you services in Bangalore, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Goa, etc. and are planning to bring these services to other major cities in near future. We have been providing PSO / bodyguards / private security all around India. Security and safety of our clients is our topmost priority so before hiring any individual has to go through these important steps: individual background checks for each hire, fingerprint scan kept for security, police verification ensured for each guard, trained to expertise, random verification by company management staff, technology trained security staff.

The Location and contact Information

Wild Gun Man
  • Address: M/s. Vulture Squad Force Pvt Ltd, No. 418 1st Floor 6th Block kormangala Near HP world Bangalore, Karnataka 560034
  • Phone: +919632437759
  • Email: thewildgunmanforce@gmail.com

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